Monday, April 24, 2006

Pepe #50: Holy Shit! There's a book!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.

And if you think that shit is exciting, check this shit out. I've put together a book of the first 50 strips, but with commentary! I put something like an hour of work into it, which I think qualifies it as crime. You can download the pdf here. Please do, and enjoy it. If you dig it, please consider dropping four bits in my PayPal account. I won't take more than 50 cents from a person though so don't get all generous on me.

Of course, if you reeeaally want to be able to hold Pepe in your hands, you can buy the dang thing from The thing is $12.50 though and I sincerly don't think Pepe deserves that. However, if you do decide to buy it I will more than happily sign the thing. Hell, for spending $12.50 I'll punch your dad in the face if you asked me to.

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